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VMware esxi copy/paste issue
Do this fix on your host vm, don’t forget to install the vmware tools on your workstation (Tested in Ubuntu/Kali)
Google Admin Audit Log with Elastic Search
Installing ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) on Ubuntu 20.04 with Security enabled and Google Admin Audit Log Setup Prerequisites Step 1: Java Step 2: Install Nginx Elastic Repository Step 3: Elasticsearch Install Configure Elasticsearch JVM Heap Size modification Elasticsearch Step 4: Install Kibana Start and Enable Kibana Allow Traffic Step 5: Install Logstash Configure…
Blown Away: How Hurricane Helene Cancelled My Workshop blog post.
For the past three years, I have been slowly transforming my workshop into a space I could truly call my own. It started as an empty shell, and over time, I made steady progress—culminating in the installation of its very own 200-amp service last year. It was a labor of love, wiring outlets and planning…
Exploring Cybersecurity in Our Technological Landscape
Understanding the Importance of Cybersecurity In today’s fast-paced digital world, cybersecurity has become more crucial than ever. As we engage in various online activities, from social media browsing to managing financial transactions, protecting our sensitive information is of paramount importance. Cyber threats and hacking incidents continue to rise, making it essential for individuals and businesses…
The Interconnected Future: Technology Meets Gardening for Cybersecurity
The New Age of Gardening As technology continues to evolve, gardening is no longer solely about cultivating plants in your backyard. It’s a blend of traditional methods and new innovations that increase efficiency and security for homestead projects. Cybersecurity is becoming pivotal in protecting your digital gardening tools, ensuring that your smart systems remain functional…