For the past three years, I have been slowly transforming my workshop into a space I could truly call my own. It started as an empty shell, and over time, I made steady progress—culminating in the installation of its very own 200-amp service last year. It was a labor of love, wiring outlets and planning for the future. My goal was clear: build 2×4 walls inside, insulate the structure, and finally organize everything to create a functional and inspiring space. Sure, there was a bit of clutter outside—a future project—but it was all coming together. Or so I thought.
Moving into our home, I was always aware of the huge pine trees behind the workshop. Towering, majestic, but undeniably threatening, they weren’t on our property, leaving me powerless to address them. I hoped for the best but always carried a lingering worry. When the hurricane hit, my worst fears materialized. Four of those mighty trees came crashing down directly onto the workshop. As I surveyed the scene, the damage was staggering. The pines, alongside countless other downed trees throughout the woods, turned the once-promising space into a disaster zone.
Assessing the Damage
The aftermath was devastating. The roof, walls, and much of the interior were destroyed. Tools, projects, and my hard work lay buried beneath fallen timber and debris. Seeing the space I had poured so much effort into now reduced to wreckage was heart-wrenching. It wasn’t just a physical loss; it felt personal, a setback to a dream years in the making.
But as with any challenge, there was no choice but to move forward. The first step was navigating the insurance process. While the policy wouldn’t cover repairs, it did provide funds to replace the workshop. This silver lining offered an opportunity to reimagine the space—a chance for a fresh start.
Now that we have the check from insurance, it was time to get rid of the old building—but I couldn’t do it. I was put on strict doctor’s orders that prevented me from using tools, chainsaws, or other heavy equipment. So, we started by finding a team to remove the fallen trees. While they didn’t finish the job, they did clear the ones directly on the building. Still, the damage was extensive. The entire right side of the building’s roofline was a mangled mess, with the largest pine crushing that side and its branches tearing off the gutters.
We decided to list the old building on Marketplace. Surprisingly, it didn’t take long to sell. The buyer came with a crew of guys, and they had the building dismantled and removed in about half a day. Watching it go was bittersweet, but it marked the beginning of a new chapter.

Teardown pictures:

Planning the New Workshop
The new structure will closely resemble the original, but with a few differences in the doors and windows. As I plan its construction, I’m determined to make it better than before. There’s something empowering about taking what was lost and turning it into an opportunity for growth. I envision a space that is not only functional but also more resilient, reflecting lessons learned from the storm.
The journey ahead won’t be easy. Rebuilding takes time, patience, and a great deal of effort. Yet, this process also allows for creativity and renewal. I’ll be documenting this journey, sharing the highs and lows as the new shop takes shape. From clearing debris to laying the foundation and crafting a space that meets my evolving needs, I hope this blog becomes a testament to resilience and perseverance.